Lean Sales

Predictable and sustainable sales results


Unlocking Growth: Continuous Improvement Strategies for B2B Sales Success

Big bang transformation or systematic iterations? The sales playbook is being rewritten. Buyers now conduct extensive research online and leverage Generative AI tools to evaluate providers and products long before engaging with sales teams. This paradigm shift is just...

How to Attract and Keep Customers in Subscription-Based Businesses

In the world of B2B sales, particularly within subscription and SaaS (Software as a Service) business models, the way we approach landing new customers and expanding accounts needs a fresh perspective. Traditional sales methods focus heavily on understanding customer...

Navigating the New Landscape: Adapting B2B Sales Strategies in the Age of AI and Changing Buyer Behaviours

The landscape of sales is undergoing a seismic shift, spurred by advancements in technology and changing buyer behaviours. This shift, which began subtly even before the pandemic, has accelerated at an unprecedented pace, leading us into a new era of sales and...

Introducing Lean Sales Coach – Your AI-Driven Sales Performance Partner

Introduction Welcome to the dawn of a new era in sales performance coaching! Today, we're thrilled to introduce Lean Sales Coach, an innovative, AI-driven platform designed to revolutionize the way B2B sales organizations operate. Leveraging the principles of the...

Is your sales process creating value or waste?

Value and waste and the core concepts in Lean thinking. We should always focus on value and meticulously eliminate waste. Sales is a perfect candidate for application of these simple concepts.  You have come this far so I assume you are interested about growing...

Lean principles in Sales

Lean thinking is based on set of well thought principles. These have been created and improved during the past 50 years.  Specification of value – Value can only be defined by the customer (based on his or her needs). Identify value stream – The Value Stream is a...

Driving SaaS revenue growth with Lean

All SaaS companies are seeking to grow MRR. Is this different from other types of selling? Can one apply Lean thinking in SaaS revenue growth? Growing SaaS revenue with flow optimisation SaaS companies focus on selling their Software-as-a-Service offerings. Finding...

Setting up Inside Sales function

One of the fastest and most cost effective approaches to predictable and sustainable sales performance improvements is Inside Sales function. Any sales organisation is difficult to scale up. Field Sales work includes meetings, relationships, in-depth knowledge of the...

Lead Generation in B2B sales

Lead generation, demand creation, growth hacking, growth, more sales. Whatever you want to call it, you are looking for more customers, more deals and more revenue.   Scaling your sales approach To scale your sales organisation and results, you'll need a...

In Finnish: 4 haastattelua Lean Sales aiheesta

Hei, 4 videota Lean Sales -aiheesta - tässä ensimmäinen. Myyntijohdon Personal Trainer Antti Paussu haastatteli Lean -ajattelun soveltamisesta, case esimerkeistä ja muusta. Erityisesti markkinointi- ja teknologia-alueilla on tapahtunut viime vuosina paljon....

Our offering

Lean Sales -book. Become familiar with the basics.

Coaching Services to Support your transformation.

Consulting Services to Deliver. We’ll deliver high quality pieces to complement and improve your sales management system.

Outsourcing Services to Deliver required change quickly.

Get in touch with us

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